Meet your Quantum Self,
uncover your Soul's journey
and activate your
multidimensional memories
and talents
Do you feel a burning longing for something indescribable, a deep connection to something you know exists, yet you don’t know how to reach it?
Do you have deeply seated memories of worlds where unconditional love isn’t just an abstract concept but is lived fully?
Do you have pain invoking fears or visions of worlds that you can’t place into any logical frame that exists here on Earth?
Do you have contact with dimensions and beings that you can’t describe yet you know there are here to help you and guide you?
Do you feel like you don’t belong here?
Do you have a tormenting longing for a faraway place you call your home, yet you have no idea where that could be?
You've come to the right place, dear soul!
It’s Time To Remember your True Essence and activate your multidimensional talents and gifts!
With one-on-one guidance and group support, you've found a safe space to:
remember your multidimensional self
develop and nurture an intimate connection with your highest expression of Self and your guides
get to know and reclaim your galactic heritage and connections to your galactic family and ancestors
activate and remember your multidimensional talents and gifts and ground them into this reality to serve you and the ones you would like to serve
resolve karmic patterns and empower your own abilities to resolve them
activate self-healing abilities to heal fully and lastingly on a physical, emotional, mental and soul level
connect you to your divine body-mind-soul blueprint
and much more....
The potentials are unlimited!
The only limits are your imagination and believes!
What is QSG?
What is Galactic Astrology Soul Reading?
Have a look at one of my
Quantum Soul Guidance Sessions.
Would you like to have your personalized blueprint to healing, stepping into your soul’s purpose and
remembering and activating your multidimensional galactic self?
Choose your best option!
Sessions are available in English, Slovenian and German language.
Please note:
Quantum Soul Readings are currently not available.
I'm currently working on exciting new projects:
an immersion group coaching on the topic of quantum DNA activations and
Self-connection to your Galactic and Multidimensional Soul Origins!
If you are interested in these projects, please sign up for my waiting list.

This is your master guidebook!
Combine the power of
Karma Alchemy, Your Soul’s calling, and Your Galactic Soul’s journey to get a
thorough understanding of your soul origin,
your star family connections,
your soul’s path throughout Creation,
your karma and dharma,
and the abilities and expertise you bring
into this lifetime to fulfil your purpose and
mission as an embodiment of your
multidimensional being!
A medical doctor, intuitive energy healer and quantum researcher at heart and soul.
Through my extrasensory intuitive abilities and a scientific approach to the information available in the quantum field, I’m bridging cutting edge medical and quantum science with personalized readings of the individual quantum blueprints of a person, to gain a personalized approach to the challenges in your life.
I will teach you the most powerful transformational tools based on the information in your quantum body-mind-soul divine blueprint, combined with cutting-edge medical and quantum science, including deep state meditation, ancient imagery, guided visualisation, energy healing and principles of vibrational and quantum medicine.
Once mastered you can heal and rebalance your body, leverage your unlimited nature and manifest everything you dare to dream of!

Is Quantum Soul Guidance RIGHT FOR YOU?
If you had a full body YES to any of the material presented on this website,
then QSG is definitely for you.
There are no coincidences.
All is divinely orchestrated.
Your higher Self has guided you to this website to invite you to have a deeper look at the presented information and take the chance to get activated and transformed into your highest expression of Self, to fully realise your potentials and move into an embodied experience of fulfilment, creativity, joy and love.
If you feel the resonance,
you are in the right place!

Do you have any further questions.
Contact me!
Submit your question here!
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I Book A Chart Reading with you?
Why do I have to log in to a members library?
Why do you need my exact birth details?
I don't know my EXACT time of birth. What can I do?
How is your coaching style different from the others?
Is one coaching session or reading enough to get results?
How does the QSG coaching (follow up) session look like?
Can I ask for a reading for someone else?
What is your cancellation policy?
Will I always be able to receive a reading?
Medical disclaimer
Effective date: October 1 2021
The content and material presented for view or sale on this website and all related sites and material under the name of Karmen Mesko MD and Karmen MD is for educational and informational purposes only. The content should not be used for diagnosis or treatment of any condition or disease. The case histories presented are provided for illustrative purposes only. No express or implied guarantee of results is made. If you are currently being treated by a physician or other healthcare practitioner for any condition or disease, please consult with that provider prior to changing or modifying any treatment program.